Volume 46, No. 2, June 2023 The June issue contains articles by Amber Roessner, Wendy Melillo, Ronald Rodgers, and Stephen Banning, as well as an essay on archival collections by Sandra Roff. Interested in reading these articles? Get information on subscribing here. Article Abstracts “The Voices of Public Opinion: Lingering…Continue reading “Current Issue”
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The website for the scholarly journal Journalism History seeks essays placing concepts related to 9/11 coverage in historical context. One installment in the 9/11 essay series will be posted on…
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More than once in my journalism classes, I have heard my students attempt to suppress snickers whenever I use the contemporary epithet “woke” in describing the world view of social-justice…
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For the 54th episode of the Journalism History podcast, host Nick Hirshon spoke to Mike Conway and Amanda Morrow to mark the anniversary of the death of legendary CBS Evening…
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In the fall of 2023, Journalism History conducted an undergraduate student essay contest. Students answered the question that our podcast hosts ask at the end of every episode: Why does…
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For the 53rd episode of the Journalism History podcast, host Ken Ward spoke to Wendy Melillo about how political polls have been used—and misused—and the election prediction mishaps in American…
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For the 52nd episode of the Journalism History podcast, host Teri Finneman spoke to Claire Rounkles about newspaper complicity in the 1894 lynching of Roscoe Parker in Ohio. This episode…
Student essay: Henry Voorhees
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Spector podcast: The Father of Public Relations
For the 51st episode of the Journalism History podcast, Shelley Spector describes interviewing opinion-making pioneer Edward Bernays about his landmark campaigns to sell bacon as a breakfast food and cigarettes…
Bonus podcast: Why does journalism history matter?
To celebrate the first 50 episodes of the Journalism History podcast, we reflect with prior guests on the central mission of our show: Why does journalism history matter? This episode…